hair care

See Clean Beauty Results in 3 Easy, Natural Steps

Stay True to Classic, Clean Beauty Hacks for a Timeless Look in Just 3 Steps or Less!

Photo by Gabb Tapic from Pexels

Photo by Gabb Tapic from Pexels

We all know that beauty trends come and go. A lot of times techniques stem from beauty tricks of the past. Just like we love the vintage look of finger-wave hairstyles, but instead of hair-rollers we now use curling wands. Products get updated as women become more conscious of what we use on our skin and hair. Today’s latest trend is keeping clean beauty as a top priority! 

It’s easy to get looped into all the latest skincare lines and makeup brands with constant ads telling us to keep up and buy more. Putting all new products to the test on your body can have damaging effects, depending on your individual skin or hair type. Not all of us can use the same shampoos, lotions or facewash. We all have different reactions-- good or bad. Just because an expensive makeup works for your best friend, doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you. 

Sometimes it’s about getting back to basics. 

Sometimes it’s about taking a lesson or two from the beauty techniques of the past. You know, the original trendsetters. The simplified, old school routines may help you more than you think!

Even if your grandma doesn’t have any beauty secrets to share with you, this list is straight out of my grandma’s clean beauty advice. And let me tell you, her skin is flawless and her hair is still vibrant, soft, and healthy

Let’s take it all the way back to the basics, from hair maintenance to skincare, with these simple clean beauty routines.

Natural Hair Conditioning Treatments You Can Do At Home

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Egg Hair Mask: Revitalize Your Hair

Purpose: Replenish dry, damaged hair and protect. 

  1. Crack eggs and separate yolk. You only need to use the yolk for this hair mask. Use 2-3 large eggs depending on your hair length and thickness. 

  2. Let the mask sit on your hair for about 30 minutes. You can use this time to do some household chores or relax while trying out a homemade face mask, like the ones listed below. 

  3. Time to rinse! Wash your hair with cold water. Make sure you get all the egg yolk washed out to prevent it from settling and becoming sticky. 

Get Shiny, Smooth Hair With A Mayonnaise Hair Mask

Purpose: Add shine to dull hair. 

  1. Grab that container of mayonnaise and go to town! Cover the entirety of your locks. 

  2. Let the mayonnaise sit for 30 minutes. You may want to cover your hair with a cap to prevent dripping. 

  3. Rinse your hair with cold water, much like the previous mask, you’ll want to be sure to wash out all of the mayo to prevent odor. 

Repair Dry Hair Using Coconut Oil

Purpose: Add shine, Repair breakage, Prevent dandruff. 

  1. Scoop a gallop of coconut oil, about the size of your palm. Let the oil melt in your hand and you’ll see that it’s more than enough! Let the oil drain into a bowl to stop the slippery mess. Run your fingers thoroughly through your hair with the coconut oil, from root to tip. 

  2. This mask can also be kept for 30 minutes, or you can wear a hair cap to sleep and let the coconut oil work overnight. 

  3. Rinse, rinse, rinse! Remember to use cold water while washing your hair. This is the toughest mask to wash off, but the shine and soft feel of your hair is worth it! 

DIY: Easy Skincare Home Remedies

Photo by Vitória Santos from Pexels

Photo by Vitória Santos from Pexels

Petroleum Jelly

Purpose: Smooth, Glowing skin/makeup primer/makeup remover 

  1. Apply to your face just like you would a face cream. 

  2. For smooth skin: Rub onto your face before creams.

            For makeup primer: Dab onto your face where pores are predominantly noticeable.

            For makeup remover: Apply over your makeup. Use a towel to wipe clean. 

Cold water/ Ice Cube

Purpose: tighten pores.

  1. Splash cold water on your face— the coldest you can handle! Or melt an ice cube on your skin. 

  2. Watch your pores tighten! Apply routine primer & makeup. 

Oatmeal Face Mask

Purpose: Replenish dry skin

  1. Use natural, plain oats. Add a teaspoon of honey. Mix until the contents are sticky and moist. 

  2. Apply to face. Especially on dry or red areas. Let sit for 20 minutes, or for as long as you can resist licking your lips! 

  3. Rinse off with warm water. Dab your face dry with a soft towel. 

Sugar Exfoliate 

Purpose: Exfoliate skin

  1. Mix equal portions of granulated sugar and honey into a bowl. 

  2. Apply to face in a circular motion just like any other face scrub. Tip: Don’t rub too roughly!

  3. Rinse with warm water. Make sure you wash off all excess sugars. 

Clean beauty routines are healthy for you, your skin, and your hair. Taking the time to learn what you’re putting on your skin or in your hair will open your eyes and drive your beauty routine in the right direction. Not only are these clean beauty tips good to have in your back pocket for a rainy day, but their all-natural appeal will have your hair and skin thankful to have a break from costly, chemical infused products. So, what are you waiting for? Run to your kitchen and give it a go!